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Ammon Brickworks


Phone (815) 478-4983
Address 1922 S Jefferson,
Chicago, IL 60616 United States


Ammon Brickworks is a reliable source of mason bricklayers in Chicago. Visit us sometime soon at our store location or give us a phone call at (815) 478-4983.

Reviews for Ammon Brickworks

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Ammon Brickworks

    What a JOKE!

    Posted On:

    “I used to work for this clown AND run work for him for about 5-6 years. When he wasn't bouncing mt checks($1000 a week) he was screwing something up. We did a chimney rebuild 1 time and after the tear down he says you know, Scott, you're doing a great job, only problem is we're at the WRONG HOUSE! I guess if you want stoners doing your work then go for it. Anyone who has their wife work for them with no trainig whatsoever that tells alot about the company. BTW, I've been in this trade for 17 years. Stars? They don't go that low.”

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